i'm so bored and annoyed at work that i'm plotting my own death.
7 ways to die in the office:
1. fall on a paper clip that has been unwound and the sharp part is pointing up
2. bang head against computer (repeat as necessary)
3. make crank phone calls to azfar (angry client) and dare him to come by
4. stand underneath filing cabinet while top full drawer is open which makes it tip over so the fax machine and printer fall on your head (its been done before)
5. paper cuts (repeat as necessary - see Zandi file (656 pages) for duration)
6. hold on to open wiring located in storage room during rain storm (hope that building hasn't fixed wiring)
7. continue to abuse internet privilage at work, get fired, do not look for job, buy gun, break into building of the job you got fired from, shoot gun into head (upset boss for dirting office)
Radiohead Start Blog
US band Radiohead has started their own blog, Dead Air Space , to document the creation of their new album.
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