Wednesday, August 31, 2005

took the day off work tomorrow so i can sleep in and have the option of staying out late tonight, which ever one suits my fancy.

drove up to waterloo last night with elaine to help her "move". she moved three items. but i had some great tea which was followed by way too much bubble tea. i made a little card castle and crashed it on the way out. drive back was bad with the rain but it was alright, i just had to keep focused on the road the whole time. but i'm alive! good chats with eli as always. love to hear boys try to pick her up by creepy flirty. haha.

carm should be back today from camping. i missed him. i started knitting to fill the carm void for the past few days. i'll knit him an ugly scarf and make him wear it. *evil laugh*

Monday, August 29, 2005


hope everyones weekend was well.
friday... spent the night being confused with carm while wandering around north york. i was confused by the information being given to me and then i was pissed for not being able to formulate a response. but then a couple of hours later i was fine being hugged and having been horribly sung to. we walked all the way to lillian then st. agnes.

saturday. dinner with the fab 2 and then saw broken flowers. what the fuck was that movie. it wasn't even a movie. half a movie for gods sake. don't recommend it. though amy recommends the sound track.

sunday. was horribly sick. stayed in bed till 7pm till amy called me to eat. saw a movie with joe, red eye, better then the movie yesterday but still sucked. why won't anyone agree to see brothers grim then i can actually see a good film.

feel like shit this morning. want to crawl back into bed and have a warm body hold me and tell me everything will be ok. not that anything is wrong, just want hugs. and sleep.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i'm so bored and annoyed at work that i'm plotting my own death.

7 ways to die in the office:
1. fall on a paper clip that has been unwound and the sharp part is pointing up
2. bang head against computer (repeat as necessary)
3. make crank phone calls to azfar (angry client) and dare him to come by
4. stand underneath filing cabinet while top full drawer is open which makes it tip over so the fax machine and printer fall on your head (its been done before)
5. paper cuts (repeat as necessary - see Zandi file (656 pages) for duration)
6. hold on to open wiring located in storage room during rain storm (hope that building hasn't fixed wiring)
7. continue to abuse internet privilage at work, get fired, do not look for job, buy gun, break into building of the job you got fired from, shoot gun into head (upset boss for dirting office)

oh my jesus. the love of my life is single again and i have no contact with him what so ever. now i'm in a morbid missing him mood where i want to hug him and make him all better.

*slaps self* wake up girl.

sorry, i was just having a relapse.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

new york, new york

i'm back. i'm tired and i'm developing a cold. but i'm super happy.
the first thing i wanted to do when i got back was see carm. *sigh* and thats the first thing i did. well after i showered and ate minus the needed sleep.
we wandered around yonge and bloor while he drooled over used books and we read in a park by a church near jarvis and gerrard.

back to new york:

the food is superb!
the people are so nice, especailly charlie "the pizza guy"
the clubs aren't that great. but i'm sure there are many potential lounges.
i got to do my site seeing and i took lots of pictures.

i would go back but only in cooler weather.

i forgot to post this a couple of days ago. but i don't feel like adding to it so i'm just gonna post it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

new york tomorrow! ahhhh. so excited.
can't wait to look fab and walk through the streets.

and i went to the jay game on monday. another jays game another boy. lol. lovin baseball.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

i want a back rub

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


me, yvonne, and two of her friends went to the backstreet boys concert last night. i forgot how much i love them and how their music makes me feel. *sigh* a little backstreet through rough times is good for the soul.
highlights of the concert:

yes i still love nick carter but brian was so hot!
they had a good mix of slow songs with songs more up beat.
i liked the simple stage setup cause its about the boys not the fireworks which were way too loud. or maybe i thought that cause we had great seats. thanks yvonne!
they sang show me the meaning *tear*, i love that song!!
it was cute how they mixed up some mics in the beginning.
i love concerts where i know the words, its so much more enjoyable.
i hope they come again cause i'll definitely be there if they do.
and though some of them are married, i'd still do them. well, except howie, he so ugly.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

*pout* dating sucks

so i had a "date" sunday night with a random person named chris. you know how you know within 5 minutes of being with someone that its not going to work, well it was like that. but i was nice and gave him two hours and now i don't know how to tell him i'm not interested. ew. i hate this part.

*pout* my lame attempts at dating sucks.