Tuesday, November 29, 2005

theres one day of the week i hate the most and thats tuesdays. for the simple fact thats its a bloody long day. i spend 8 hours at work then get my butt home, pick up my car, and go to york for a 3 hour meeting for model UN which in turn results in me driving people home and getting home around 10 30 where i collapse in bed from exhaustion.
well that would be typical but i've been late for everything lately.
skipping the meeting tonight to go to the doctors to pick up a new prescription.
but still going to york afterwards to study for my exam next week.
who knew learning about performances and narratives could be so hard. its as if the most simpliest information has been twisted and made so difficult to understand. how am i suppposed to remember shit about the Chamula. what country is this in? i read an essay on it and still don't know.
i wanna lay on a couch and watch tv in my pj's.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


today was the first major snow fall for the winter season.
i love snow! these are the following reasons why:
1. snow angels
2. everything is pretty in white
3. when it snows and its not too windy its actually not that cold outside.
4. i like waking up to snow and making love to it. (ew, no. scratch that one)
5. i like licking it.
6. making snowmen
7. consequence of the cold weather: nice lattes and hot chocolates
8. excuse to buy more scarves
9. mmm, bad weather but good snuggling.
10. the holidays are approaching.
11. well, snow is better than rain, right?
12. winter tires, whoo! spending money on life saving measures!
13. i can make a list about why i love snow so much.
14. can't think of anything else, just didn't want to end it on 13 items.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

2 more weeks and school is done (well for a month). oh but what a month.

i need to make my christmas list:
suzie (and her b day gift)
mommy and daddy

now these are people i see on a regular basis, i'm sure others will pop up and i'll freak over not knowing what im going to get them.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

You scored as Batman, the Dark Knight. As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause.

Batman, the Dark Knight


Lara Croft


James Bond, Agent 007


Indiana Jones


Captain Jack Sparrow


The Amazing Spider-Man




Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


El Zorro


William Wallace


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Nine Inch Nails

so, the nin's concert is today. i think whats more exciting than going to the concert is seeing joe get all giddy over it. love it.
but i'm excited to see death from above. so i get to be giddy over that.
pictures should be up on my yahoo photo album by the weekend.

so i'm at work and my boss thinks i'm dying cause i keep taking days off work and i'm leaving early today. told him i have a doctors appt. which is kind of true but thats next thursday.
i have to take a bunch of blood tests to check stuff before i switch some medication to make sure i'm healthy enough for it. my only concern is that the new medication i'm going to be put on makes ppl very depressed and suicidal. lol. but my doc says he doesn't think that will be a problem with me. but i dunno. everyone knows i go through my moods. being in school and just dealing with other life things can put me in a bad state sometimes. i dunno. i still haven't agreed to take the meds, still need to do some more research on it.

don't freak out. i'm a healthy girl. theres nothing life threatening wrong with me. lol.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


after reviewing my transcript online cause god knows i have nothing to do at work, my average has slipped from an A to a B+.
I am not satisfied with this outcome at all.
it was that damned summer course that i never went to. must i be so lazy!

i'm worried about my essay that i handed in last week. i worked hard on it but everytime i work hard on something it never goes in my favour so i'm expecting the worst. same goes with that midterm that i felt i did well on.


why must i love attempting to be a keener.

okay. back to my UN research. mexico has got some relaxed protocols concerning human trafficking.

in other news: nin concert on thursday, followed by 107 on friday, dinner with nick on saturday, and hopefully that johnny cash movie on sunday (correction: its coming out next week). and i do my homework when?

Saturday, November 05, 2005

so... my jarhead review:
(and yes, i'd see it again)

Welcome to the suck. yeah right! who ever said that in
the film didn't know what he was talking about. if
being in the gulf war meant staring at jake's bare ass
then sign me up! i thank god every day for letting me
be in the core and watch oil drip down his face. in
all honestly, putting his handsome self aside the star
was right about it being a sutle (sp?) film and
fucking fabulous.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

due to someone's illness ( i won't name names *cough* mari *cough* ), i ended up doing a lot more which is awesome of course.
met up with suzie to play catch up at starbucks and to my surprise "cute starbucks guy" was studying there as well. so we giggled like little school girls.
then met up with the boys aka mark and marino to play some poker ( i was third one out ) then went to see saw 2 where i amused myself with my and marks commentary during the movie. so funny. love the boys when they love me.
in other news, mark is throwing a house party on sunday. should i go? i think so. gotta check out who the boys have hooked up with this month to make fun of the hoes.